Our Summer with BoostNB: Student-Led Research on Economic Indicators for New Brunswick

“If you ask New Brunswickers to tell you about their province, they might talk about the beautiful forests, fresh seafood, covered bridges, and a slower, more pleasant way of life. On the surface, these are all elements that define the New Brunswick that we know and love. However, they are also elements that play a key part in the provincial economy – something you are less likely to hear about. From our small population to our natural resources and beyond, New Brunswick relies on growth in many different areas to boost its economy and ensure the progress and prosperity of its people.”

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Modernizing Economics: Internetization and the New Global Economy

As an economics professor at the University of New Brunswick, Dr. Constantine Passaris aspires to change how the academic community and general public view globalization. After the IT Revolution of the late 20th century, our society has transformed into a global village. With this in mind, Dr. Passaris theorises on his take of modern globalization which he calls "internetization" to best define this economic pillar of the 21st century.

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Causes and Consequences of the Miramichi Salmon Decline

Since the 80s, the number of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) returning to the Miramichi River have experienced a drastic decrease compared to previous years. According to Department of Fisheries and Oceans from 1992 to 2014 the Miramichi watershed has seen a 93.5% decrease in the number of returning Atlantic Salmon!

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