Effects of Social Media on Body Image in Young Adults

“Society is used to the negative impacts of impossibly thin, airbrushed models on the covers of magazines. Even if people know it is not realistic, it sets a precedent for beauty standards - it feels like something people should strive towards. But what happens in a digital age with consistent opportunities for comparison?”

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Dr. Lloyd Waugh: Photogrammetry as a Visual Documentation Tool of Construction Sites

“When Dr. Lloyd Waugh’s began his research, it may not have been directed for use in a pandemic affected time; however, it may be increasingly valuable in a period when remote work has become more widespread. Dr. Waugh has passionately shared the thrilling advancements of his research at the University of New Brunswick on using photogrammetry as a documentation tool of on-site construction progress.”

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Between Space and Earth: A Researcher’s Journey to the Ionosphere

Dr. P.T. Jayachandran, a professor at the University of New Brunswick, seeks to accelerate the human understanding of the upper atmosphere. He has founded Atlantic Canada’s largest space research organization, implemented a radar system throughout the Arctic, and collaborates with industry partners to reduce error in navigation signals.

Learn more about Dr. P.T. Jayachandran.

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