Evidence-Based Study Techniques

“Who hasn’t spent a string of late nights preparing for midterms, only to find their mind drawing a blank when it comes time to write? As most students have come to learn, the time and effort invested in studying does not always equate to increased academic success. In university, students develop study habits that work for them, but with unguided development, the result doesn’t always promote the most efficient learning. In an ideal world, time spent studying would directly correlate to knowledge acquired and information retained. However, not all studying strategies are created equal, and many students are left feeling frustrated, inferior, or as if they are wasting their time. The question then becomes, how can students make the most of their studying? Are there guidelines that can help turn those long hours pouring over textbooks and notes into better grades and knowledge?”

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The Career Path of Dr. Valerie Reeves

“It is commonly believed that experiences shape people's lives, which is more than true for Dr. Valerie Reeves.  Coming from Salisbury, New Brunswick, Dr. Reeves chose to start her professional career here at UNB, Fredericton.  Enrolled in a Bachelor of Science program, she had her sights set on pursuing a biology degree with the hopes of someday becoming a Marine Biologist. Learn more about a mixed methods approach and how that can affect findings in STEM. “

Learn more about Dr. Valerie Reeves Career Path.

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How a Mixed Methods Research Design Can Add Meaning to Our Findings in STEM

“The purpose of conducting research is to convey knowledge that is both accurate and applicable outside of a lab setting. Yet, as researchers we often limit ourselves between opting for one of two divided categories: quantitative or qualitative methods.”

Learn more about a mixed methods approach and how that can affect findings in STEM.

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