Dr. Ryan Hamilton

University of New Brunswick - Associate Professor, Psychology

I am probably best described as an applied sport psychologist; however, my research spans two major streams of inquiry: 1) The application of psychology to sport and exercise performance, and 2) the development of hope and coping in cancer survivors.

Graduate and honours students in my lab are involved in funded projects representing each of these major areas of interest. Beyond my research, I am a passionate teacher who applies innovative approaches in the classroom to support the learning and personal development of the students in my classes. Finally, I am a practicing sport psychologist with ties to the UNB Reds teams and individual student-athletes, the Canadian Sport Centre, Hockey Canada, and a National Hockey League franchise.

For further information on Dr. Ryan Hamilton’s work

Contact Information


Location: UNB Keirstead Hall 208, Fredericton N.B.

Phone: 506 453 5030

Email: r.hamilton@unb.ca
