Filtering by: UNB

SCIspire 2019
10:00 AM10:00

SCIspire 2019

There will be a series of presentations from upper-year students with research experience in the fields of Science. The purpose of SCIspire is to help undergraduate students develop an understanding of the research industry and more importantly know how they can get involved. Come learn about a variety of opportunities available at UNB, and explore the possibility of getting involved today!

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ENGspire 2019
10:00 AM10:00

ENGspire 2019

There will be a series of presentations from upper-year students with research experience in Engineering and Computer Science. The purpose of ENGspire is to help undergraduate students develop an understanding of the research industry and more importantly know how they can get involved. Come learn about a variety of opportunities available at UNB, and explore the possibility of getting involved today!

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UNB Physics Department - Public Lecture
6:30 PM18:30

UNB Physics Department - Public Lecture

The connection between the Sun and the Earth is a complex one, involving interactions and

variabilities across a dizzying spectrum of scales and systems. The result is a relationship between us

and our star that is observable only through a fleet of instruments, methods, and technologies yet

creates weather in the near-Earth space environment that is both life-sustaining as well as life-threatening. This relationship is colloquially known as space weather. This talk is intended to provide

insight to and spark discussion around the characteristics of convergence and the role of data science,

namely creating new progress and a new frontier through radical interdisciplinary and methodology


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