Host: UNB Physics Department
When: Thurs, Jan 24, 2019 @ 1:15-2:15pm
Location: IUC Physics/Admin Bldg, Room 204
Speaker: Mark Moldwin, University of Michigan
Topic: What is the worst that can happen? The potential impacts from a Carrington-class geomagnetic storm on society
“Can a major geomagnetic storm cause a major economic depression and severely impact modern technological society? Risk assessment often uses “worst-case” scenarios in assessing potential impacts to determine the best risk management strategies. The geomagnetic storm of 1859 documented by Richard Carrington is the largest geomagnetic storm in recorded history. This talk will examine the potential consequences to modern technological society if a Carrington-class storm hit Earth today. The cascading economic and technological consequences and the risk management strategies being implemented will be described.”
Please join us for Colloquium tea in P203 beforehand.