Atlantic Student Research Journal

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NBIF Research Assistantships Initiative (RAI)

NBIF RAI awards are granted to cultivate undergraduate innovation and research in New Brunswick.

Award Information

Deadline: January 25th, 2021

Value: $7500 (16-week term)


Be registered in a bachelor’s degree at a New Brunswick University.

  • Research project is innovative and has scientific merit.

  • Potential for socioeconomic impact on NB.

  • Principle investigator has capacity to execute project.

Application Process

  1. What are you passionate about? Think about the kind of research you would be Interested in and search for local labs/professors/institutions conducting science in that field.

  2. Whose research stands out to you? Contact a professor who’s research you find Interesting and inquire if they are open to summer internships. If they are, apply to an NBIF RAI award together.

  3. Contact the admission or awards office for applications. Applications are completed by your post-secondary institution.